

remix-tests 是一种命令行接口工具,用于运行Solidity单元测试。这个工具在Remix的Solidity Unit Testing插件下作为一个库使用。在NPM上以@remix-project/remix-tests的形式在提供。


您可以使用 NPM安装它:

  • 作为开发依赖:

npm install –save-dev @remix-project/remix-tests

  • 作为全局NPM模块:

npm install -g @remix-project/remix-tests


$ remix-tests version



您可以使用 “help” 命令看到所有可用的选项。

$ remix-tests help           
Usage: remix-tests [options] [command]

  -V, --version            output the version number
  -c, --compiler <string>  set compiler version (e.g: 0.6.1, 0.7.1 etc)
  -e, --evm <string>       set EVM version (e.g: petersburg, istanbul etc)
  -o, --optimize <bool>    enable/disable optimization
  -r, --runs <number>      set runs (e.g: 150, 250 etc)
  -v, --verbose <level>    set verbosity level (0 to 5)
  -h, --help               output usage information

  version                  output the version number
  help                     output usage information


$ remix-tests <options> <file/directory path>

在 “示例” 目录中运行所有测试文件

$ remix-tests examples/

在“示例”目录中运行名为 simplle_storage_test.sol 的单个测试文件

$ remix-tests examples/simple_storage_test.sol

注意: remix-tests 将假定tests(s)文件的名称以 _test.sol为结尾。例如 simple_storage_test.sol



pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <=0.8.0;

contract SimpleStorage {
  uint public storedData;

  constructor() public {
    storedData = 100;

  function set(uint x) public {
    storedData = x;

  function get() public view returns (uint retVal) {
    return storedData;

测试文件 simplle_storage_test.sol 可以为:

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <=0.8.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; // injected by remix-tests
import "./simple_storage.sol";

contract MyTest {
  SimpleStorage foo;

  function beforeAll() public {
    foo = new SimpleStorage();

  function initialValueShouldBe100() public returns (bool) {
    return Assert.equal(foo.get(), 100, "initial value is not correct");

  function initialValueShouldNotBe200() public returns (bool) {
    return Assert.notEqual(foo.get(), 200, "initial value is not correct");

  function shouldTriggerOneFail() public {
    Assert.equal(uint(1), uint(2), "uint test 1 fails");
    Assert.notEqual(uint(1), uint(2), "uint test 2 passes");

  function shouldTriggerOnePass() public {
    Assert.equal(uint(1), uint(1), "uint test 3 passes");

运行 simple_storage_test.sol 文件将输出:

$ remix-tests simple_storage_test.sol

	👁	:: Running remix-tests - Unit testing for solidity ::	👁

'creation of library remix_tests.sol:Assert pending...'

	◼  MyTest
	✓  Initial value should be100
	✓  Initial value should not be200
	✘  Should trigger one fail
	✓  Should trigger one pass

3 passing (0.282s)
1 failing

  1) MyTest: Should trigger one fail

	 error: uint test 1 fails
	 expected value to be equal to: 2
	 returned: 1


大多数 remix-tests 选项都是用于自定义编译器环境的。使用扩展的自定义编译器环境,执行上述测试文件有如下输出:

$ remix-tests --compiler 0.7.4 --evm istanbul --optimize true --runs 300 simple_storage_test.sol

	👁	:: Running remix-tests - Unit testing for solidity ::	👁

[14:03:18] info: Compiler version set to 0.7.4. Latest version is 0.8.0
[14:03:18] info: EVM set to istanbul
[14:03:18] info: Optimization is enabled
[14:03:18] info: Runs set to 300
Loading remote solc version v0.7.4+commit.3f05b770 ...
'creation of library remix_tests.sol:Assert pending...'

	◼  MyTest
	✓  Initial value should be100
	✓  Initial value should not be200
	✘  Should trigger one fail
	✓  Should trigger one pass

3 passing (0.316s)
1 failing

  1) MyTest: Should trigger one fail

	 error: uint test 1 fails
	 expected value to be equal to: 2
	 returned: 1


作为CI 的解决办法

remix-tests 也可以用于连续集成(CI)测试。

具体实现样例,请查看Su Squares contractTravis build,其中使用了remix-tests进行持续集成。